environment & climate
How can we decrease our negative impact on the environment and climate? We have acknowledged two major factors where we have the most negative impact; transports and the steel production necessary for our products.
impact on climate
To get better control and insight of the production we have chosen to only use producers within the European Union with the majority produced in Sweden. For the same reason and due to negative climate impact on shipping we no longer order any products from China.
According to our estimates the emission from transports decreases with 80% when shipping from Lithuania instead of China.
Today we sell and ship all our products within the European Union. Our main market is the Nordics but we are growing in central Europe and have distributors in Germany as well as the Benelux area. We also have production in Murcia, Spain, for all orders within Spain.
Do you want to participate to create a more sustainable business?
– Place your order in time to help us prevent unnecessary fast deliveries. Helping us prevent a fast smaller car delivery actually helps saving about 80% of the CO2 compared to a well-planned truck delivery.

sustainable use of resources

We design all our own products and in the designing process we constantly have a focus on enforcing a sustainable use of products. For example;
- in production we optimize the sheets of steel to avoid waste
- we try to create universal solutions of our products to fit more screens
- we remove unneccessary material from products, such as fans, as much as possible
- all cardboard, plastics and wrappers that we receive, we compress in a baling press. Therafter, a recycling company collects it from us.
choice of material
Most of our products consists in various amounts of steel. Steel is one of the most recycled materials but due to a long life cycle there is not enough recycled steel available to cover the market demand. The existing recycled steel is considered a premium product and therefore offered to a higher premium price. SSAB are starting to develop fossil free produced steel, and the goal is to be 100% fossil free in 2045. Our goal is to start using fossil free steel as soon as it is available in the market and in the meantime be able to offer recycled steel for interested customers.
Regarding the protecting covers used for all products, we use either glass or plastic depending on the purpose of the customer. There are pros and cons for both, and they are appropriate at different occasions. However, the glass cover has a lower carbon footprint than the plastic cover per m2 even when taking the weight in consideration. The choice of cover is for the customer to decide, but we prefer to inform customers before making the decision.